Man...I am terrible at keeping up with this thing. Life is just moving at lighting speed lately it's just nuts. Lots has been going on since my last post so here's a little update on my life.
Abby and Andy's wedding was fabulous. I loved it. I loved them. I loved their wedding. I loved seeing everyone. It was just an all around good time. They are just one of those couples who I have always rooted for. They are not afraid to show their love for each other. They follow hard after God. They are a blast! And they are just all together great so it was really great to be able to share their day with them.
The weekend of the wedding was a whirl wind because I got back here on Sunday and was off on my next adventure Monday. That adventure being
CIY. I had never been before so I was really excited about it. And it turned out really great. I loved getting to know some of the students at Central better and I loved seeing God work in their lives. It was just a great all around experience. Something that really stuck a chord with me throughout the week the pain that kids have their lives though. It's just so crazy that some of the things happening to our students has has become so typical. There are things that our kids our experiencing that no one should ever have to go through. Especially 15 and 16 year
olds. I just have to know and trust God is working.
Since I have been back things have been crazy, as usual. I have been really really homesick so that is kind of a bummer. It's frustrating because in
Bloomington I hated my job but loved my life. Here is the opposite. I love my job, but I'm just not satisfied with my life. Making friends has been a real struggle. I have Lana but she's married and busy and I have Daren, but he's leaving so it's just been kind of hard lately. I just have a really hard time with surface level friendships because I know how great true authentic friendships are. I think it's impossible to go from having such authentic relationships to surface level ones because you know what it's supposed to be like. You know God had created us for genuine friendship. I know part of it is my fault. I has always taken me a long time to open up to people and it has always been hard for me to
initiate things. I just have to keep praying through it. My little
Bethy came to visit the last couple days and I always feel extra homesick when I am
around people from home for awhile and then have to get back to real life so that's probably where all this is coming from. I didn't intend on writing about all just came out.
So anyway...that's life right now
Oh other thing. As of tonight I am
officially a Gold Canyon Candle Demonstrator. Buy stuff from me!
Crap...forgot this too. I have now seen Hairspray twice and hope to again. I love it so much. If that movie doesn't make you want to get up and dance there might be something wrong with you and you should consider seeing a doctor right away.